A Mind Less Ordinary

The web presence of Dave Ingram

Ceilidh Dance: Katie and Dave's Wedded Blisters

Ian Nichols
Specially written for the 2011 wedding of Katie and Dave Ingram
Set type:
Longways 3 couples
Tune type:
32-bar jig


A18Top (working) couple cross over and cast to bottom, cross back over and cast to middle of the set. Swing if there's time.
A28Working couple right hand star with the new top couple, then left hand star with the bottom couple
B18Reel of three along each side
B28Working couple gypsy meltdown, while ends do half a right and left through around them. All swing partner.


The progression is reversed from most dances: the bottom couple at the start of the dance become the new top couple, and everyone else moves down one place.

A gypsy meltdown involves the couple standing facing each other, but offset slightly to each person's left. They link little fingers of their right hand and walk in a small circle around their linked hands, staring into each others' eyes.

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