A Blog Less Ordinary

The blog of Dave Ingram

Category Archives: Insight (semantic filesystem)

Insight: The semantic filesystem that I’m creating for my Masters thesis

Insight braindump

Well this is going to be a very random and unstructured post, but I just wanted to note down a few thoughts and ideas before I forget about them… and I’ll probably update this a couple of times before finally giving in and making it a page. This is an evolving post.

Insight: Implementation Thoughts

So, I’ve been reading the book about BFS (the file system of BeOS), which shares some ideas with mine, although it still adheres to the idea of a hierarchical filesystem. It goes into some depth, and although I’ve only reached partway through chapter 6, I have found it to be a very useful resource, particularly […]

Insight: some thoughts

Apologies to anyone this confuses, but this post is just a collection of random thoughts about DBFS (now called Insight); what it might do, how it might be implemented… all sorts of things. Some of these will be taken from The Book of the Project, and some have developed as I do more research.

Beginning research

So I’ve begun my research with Hans Reiser’s The Naming System Venture whitepaper, which is now no longer available online. Unfortunately the Wayback Machine doesn’t provide the diagrams, so unless I can find anyone with a mirror of it (so far unsuccessful) then I shall just have to do without them. Incidentally, I am also […]

Masters thesis

Well, the initial individual project allocations have been published, and it looks like I’ve definitely had my project confirmed. As far as I know, it was going to happen anyway, but it’s nice to have official confirmation now, so I can start working on it. What is my project? Well, it was my own proposal, […]

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